Digital Artist • Illustrator

Hi! My name is Pudumak. I recently graduated as an interdisciplinary scientist specialized in urbanisation and globalisation, but have been making art for as long as they can remember. In the past few years, this passion mainly took the form of digital art pieces. During this time, I explored a wide array of topics, from my fascination for fungi-infested environments to the pride and turmoil of my multi-ethnic heritage.

Despite having a rather eclectic profile, I like to think of my art as being centered around  symbiosis and multiplicity. Accordingly, when working with others is, it’s my priority to ensure that all parties are satisfied and recognize themselves in the final result. With this highly flexible and collaborative working process is one of Pudumak’s objectives to help emerging musicians find a visual identity that meets the quality and uniqueness of their work.

B a c k T o T o p B a c k T o T o p

Pudumak Inc.